The Participant Satisfaction Survey allows you to gain valuable post-conference feedback from your participants. It’s a simple, optional, two-question survey that asks participants the following:
- Please rate your satisfaction with the content and interactivity of the conference you attended.
- Please rate your satisfaction with the MaestroConference technology used by your event host.
There is room for them to include comments on both questions. If enabled, when your call concludes, the participants will receive an email from us, with a link to the survey. Participants have the option to either submit the survey anonymously, or include their email address. They can also easily unsubscribe from our survey emails.
Viewing completed surveys
After your event, participants who attended your event for 20 minutes or longer will receive an e-mail from us. Here's how to access completed surveys:
On your myaccount page, open your conference by clicking the View/Edit button right next to the conference name. Go to the bottom of the page and find the “Survey Settings and Results” section (for Old Interface) or "Caller Feedback" (for New Interface), and you can read the participant feedback here.
Turning off surveys
The survey will be turned on by default. If you'd like to turn it off, you can do so.
To turn surveys off for a particular conference,
On the Old Interface:
- go to the Survey Settings and Results section
- uncheck the box “Select this option if you want to enable Post Conference Survey for Participants”
- Save the changes.
On the New Interface:
- go to the View Edit page of the conference
- click on Caller Feedback
- uncheck the box, "Enable Post Event Survey"
To turn surveys off for your entire account, just contact Support with that request.
We will track the responses, and highlight the highly rated Customers and Events (when public) through our various media channels.
Participants who give satisfaction ratings of 4 or 5 stars will also be given the option to receive more information from MaestroConference, and if they choose to, we’ll send them an email with links to our site.
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