There are numerous ways to create breakout rooms in MaestroConference events so that participants can be put together in small groups to have their own discussions/ activities.
Reminder: To avoid collision of voices between breakout groups, hosts must make sure that the attendees’ microphones are set to Breakout Only in the Conductor Interface before moving them to breakout rooms.
- Create your Breakout Room
- Rename an Existing Breakout Room
- Give permissions (to assistants and participants)
Conductor Interface
Hosts can create breakout rooms, name and rename them in the visual interface.
Create your Breakout Room
- In the Meeting, click Breakout. The check mark across the room name shows which room you are currently in. To create a room, select Create New Breakout. A pop up box will appear. Enter the name and hit Create.
2. You will be moved to the breakout room you have created. It will show on your screen, and from the Breakout tool, you will see the number of people included in the breakout room you created.
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Rename an Existing Breakout Room
1. Click Breakout from the Meeting tool bar.
2. Hover your mouse over the breakout room name you want to edit. A pencil icon should appear- click it.
3. This will show:
Delete the current breakout room name and update. Hit Enter when done.
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Giving permissions on Breakouts
By default, only Presenters have the ability to create, rename and assign people in breakout rooms- but Assistants and Participants can also be allowed make, rename and choose which room they want to go to. As a host, you can let them do all these by giving them Permissions.
First two steps below are for you to get the Permissions page up.
1. From the Meeting tool bar, click Settings > Admin.
2. Go to the Permissions tab.
There are three types of permissions available:
- Admin - Presenters only
- Staff - Presenters and Assistants
- Everyone - Presenters, Assistants and Participants
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a. For Assistants: Tick the Staff radio button across the setting for "Can create breakouts".
b. For Everyone: Tick the Everyone radio button across the setting for "Can create breakouts".
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a. For Assistants: Tick the Staff radio button across the setting for "Can rename breakouts".
a. For Everyone: Tick the Everyone radio button across the setting for "Can rename breakouts".
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Choose which breakout room they want to join
a. For Assistants: Tick the Staff radio button across the setting for "Can move themselves to another breakout".
a. For Everyone: Tick the Everyone radio button across the setting for "Can move themselves to another breakout".
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Conductor Interface
Basic Breakouts
1. Go to the Breakout section from the Summary panel on the left side and click Create,
which will give you the Breakout tab.
2. Select the attendees that you want to be grouped. Check the box beside the roles you want included. In the screenshot above, the Participants box is selected.
3. Choose the number of people you want to go together in a breakout room. As shown in the image, “2” is highlighted. A note in red will show you how many groups can be formed with the count of attendees you selected to be grouped.
Below the red note, there are three options on how exactly you want them arranged.
- Randomly
- Keeping specified fields [hand positions/ custom1/ custom 2] together when possible
- Example 1: Participants labeled with a customized field of blue will be grouped with blue, green will be grouped with green, and so forth.
- Example 2: Those with "hands raised" who pressed 1 on the keypad will be grouped with other people who pressed 1, those who pressed 2 will be grouped with others who pressed 2, and so forth.
- Mixing specified fields [hand positions/ custom1/ custom 2] when possible
- Example 1: Those grouped under the label blue will be mixed with participants labeled green.
- Example 2: Those with their hands raised with a number 1 will be mixed with participants who have their hands raised to number 2.
4. Once you have chosen, click the Commit button (blue). The settings you have selected will take effect.
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Breakout by Data
1. Click the "Create" button in the Breakouts section of the Summary Panel.
2. Click the "Breakout by Data" tab.
3. Select which custom field you desire, then click the "Commit" button.
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Creating a Single Breakout Room
- To create a single breakout with specific individuals, select individuals by either holding down the Shift key or the Ctrl/Command key.
- Hold shift to select a group of people next to each other
- Hold Ctrl/ Command to select multiple people who are not next to each other.
- Click "New Breakout" in the "Move into Breakout" section of the Detail Panel (lower right part of the Conductor Interface), or select the appropriate action (e.g. New Breakout)
Note: When individuals are broken out to different groups, the Breakout column in CI will show the group name (tagged as numbers, by default), and the Size column shows how many people are in that group.
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Making Private Breakout Groups
Callers in a private breakout can only hear each other, and won't be able to hear the presenters or others with microphones. This is usually used when hosts need to side coach participants.
Creating a new Private Breakout Room
The process is the same as making single breakout rooms, you only have to select "New Private Breakout" instead of the regular "New Breakout" after selecting the people you want to put in.
Switching an existing Breakout Room to Private
Clicking the "Private" button immediately below the caller information in the Breakout tab allows you to make that breakout private.
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Dissolving Breakout Groups
To dissolve all groups at once:
Click the "Dissolve" button in the Breakouts section of the Summary Panel.
To dissolve a single breakout:
- Select one or more members of the breakout.
- Click the "Breakouts" tab in the Detail Panel (found on the right side of the Conductor Interface).
- Click the "Dissolve" button.
You can practice the steps about breakout rooms through our Conference Simulator.
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