January 2021
Want to draw knowledge from every person on your event? You can crowd-source ideas for discussion using the Idea Board View in Meeting. Participants can submit their ideas for topics of discussion. Once an idea is submitted, other participants can vote for (or against) an idea. The most popular suggestions move to the top of the list. The list of ideas can also be sorted by how recently it was submitted, randomly, or by title.
As a host, you can:
- Create and rename ideas for people to vote on
- See other’s ideas, and edit or delete posts by other participants
- Hide or display names of participants alongside their submitted ideas
- Set the voting options
- Download ideas submitted into a .csv file any time during the event
When activated, here's what an Idea Board looks like:
How to set up an Idea Board
1. On Meeting, click Settings > Admin. You will get the Control Panel, View section. Click Idea Board.
2. Create the Idea Board-
a. Enter the Board Title
b. Choose the Voting Option
No Voting - No voting is allowed
Like - People can up-vote any item (once only) and cannot down-vote
Up or Down - People can up-vote or down-vote
Limited Ups - People can up-vote only and limit the total number of votes
3. Select your preferences:
a. "Show tabs" (check the tick box to enable)
You can arrange the idea tabs based on: Most Voted, Mine, Newest, Random and Alphabetical
b. "Show Breakout tab" - users will see the list of participants on the righ-hand side that are in the same breakout room as them
c. "Allow New Ideas" - let other users enter ideas in Meeting
d. "People can see other's ideas" - when enabled, users can view the ideas/suggestion created by other users
e. "Show names of those who submitted ideas" - you have the option to keep the identity of the users who submitted an idea anonymous or you can make it public by enabling this option
4. Click "Apply Changes".
5. Click "Activate this View" so users can start viewing the Idea Board.
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